Port Stephens Koala Community Survey
If you live in Port Stephens or have ever visited we are calling on you the community to tell us about koalas.
Have you seen or heard a koala? What do you think about koalas, their decline and conservation in Port Stephens?
Let us know and you can enter the draw to win a $500 gift card or a selection of prizes valued up to $100.
Our vision for koalas in Port Stephens
Our goal is to save and secure the vulnerable Port Stephens Koala population for the next 30 years. We are a diverse team of passionate experts taking a broad approach to koala conservation. Future-proofing koalas by 2050!
The value of the Port Stephens Koala
The Port Stephens koala population is one of the last in NSW. Although these koalas were spared by the fires they are in decline, and they are fighting to survive.
Koalas in Port Stephens are battling habitat destruction, bushfires, vehicle strikes, dog attacks and disease.

What we do for koalas
Our experts are at the forefront of koala policy issues and fight to ensure decision makers always help our native icon.
Our research will optimise technologies and techniques used to find koalas, understand, map and predict the greatest threats to koalas, and monitor koala movement.

We aim to maximise the work of Port Stephens Koala Hospital by understanding how best to treat and release koalas, and to preserve the genetic diversity of this significant koala population.
We are inviting the community into koala research and on-ground conservation using our Port Stephens Koala Community Survey.
Want to help us, help koalas?
We hope to crowd-source $100k per year to support koala conservation in Port Stephens and keep them around for our children.
A small donation can go a long way to helping our important koala research. You could also help by spreading the word on your socials about our hopes and vision for koalas.

Have you seen a koala in Port Stephens?
Don’t forget to complete the Port Stephens Koala Community Survey.
You have already? Why not tell Port Stephens Koalas?
Our Partners
Our community survey is partially funded by The Australian Governments Communities Environment Program.